Who we are
The TCHRC was established to help foster understanding and respect among all people in Tompkins County; encourage equality; discourage discrimination, and serve as an advisory board to the Office of Human Rights and to the Tompkins County Legislature. Commissioners are volunteers appointed by the County Legislature.
Members of the HRC with the NY Lieutenant
Governor, Antonio Delgado in August 2024
Projects & Events

Our UnMute Yourself series: Women's Discrimination in Health Care
May 13, 2024
Biased treatment? Women spoke out on healthcare experiences in Tompkins County - both as patients and providers. Watch the video.
Current Project: Homelessness in Tompkins County
In collaboration with members of the Alliance of Families for Justice, the HRC is delving into why people become homeless in Tompkins County and possible solutions.
We want to know what YOU think our priorities should be!
The Research & Policy Committee has designed a survey to find out what human rights issues we should focus on. We will be posting a link and distributing this survey throughout the county soon!
We are looking for more Commissioners! Applications are approved by the HRC Executive Committee and the Tompkins County Legislature for a 3-year term (which may be renewed). You must be willing to be an active member of the Commission, attend monthly HRC meetings, and be involved with one or more of our Committees. You must be a resident of Tompkins County. It is highly recommended that you attend one of the HRC’s monthly Zoom meetings first.